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Banner Supporters
Thank you to all those who support Graphtreon!
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Supporter FAQs
- What determines the order of banners/names?
The order in each reward level is based off the lifetime dollars from each supporter. The supporter with the most lifetime support is first, the second most lifetime support is second and so on.
- When does my banner/name show up?
You will be charged as soon as you pledge on Patreon and your banner/link/name will be added to Graphtreon as soon as we can (about 1 business day).
- How long will my banner/name stay up?
Everytime you are charged by Patreon you get 1 month.
- Do you allow custom banners?
Yes. You will receive an email from Patreon with instructions on how to submit your custom banner. The banner should be 484px x 160px please. The max file size is 200 kilobytes.
For the non-adult custom banners, all titles, images, and descriptions must be appropriate for a general audience of all ages, and may not contain profane, explicit, suggestive, or sexual content.
For the adult custom banners, all titles, images, and descriptions must only go so far as being suggestive. No nudity, profanity, or explicit content. Adult banners must display the letters NSFW in one of the corners of the banner.
Banners will not be accepted that pertain to the following topics:
- Gambling
- Weapons, hunting, etc.
- Alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, or other drug use, recreation, recovery, or treatment
- Hateful, violent, dangerous, highly divisive, offensive, or illegal content
This is not an exhaustive list, and the ever changing world means we will need to amend our policies over time. Tricky judgment calls often must be made, but we will do our best.
Graphtreon reserves the refuse any banner, for any reason, at its sole discretion.
- What if I don't have a custom banner?
- By default, we will use your Patreon icon and the text in your Patreon campaign to create a banner. If you don't have a Patreon campaign or you would like to use a different icon, you can send us a different icon.